
There are several benefits to online giving for both you and the church.

  • First Fruits – In Proverbs 3:9 we are taught to honor the Lord with the “First Fruits” of our labor. By setting up a recurring contribution that is scheduled to come out of your account on the day you specify you can ensure that your First Fruits are given back to God.
  • Simplicity – You will not need to remember if you gave this month or send in your offering checks when you are out of town.
  • Security – Online giving is more secure than giving with a check in that an electronic gift can’t be lost or stolen. For additional information on how Lighthouse keeps your information and contributions secureĀ click here.
  • No Distractions – Instead of needing to worry about writing your contribution check during the service, you can be fully engaged with the worship service, knowing that you have already given your offering.
  • Helping Lighthouse – Online contributions require less processing from our administrative staff since the information is logged and deposited automatically.