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Kid Time – Kindergarten – 5th Grade

Kid Time exists to see young students have a life long personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We believe that our students are world changers and that they don’t have to be “grown up” to change the world, they can do it right now. We have 3 goals for our students every week they are at our church.

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Our first goal is to have fun.

We want every student to have a positive attitude about church. If you as the parent have to drag your child to church we know that we aren’t doing our job. We want every student no matter where they are in their life to look at church as a good, fun, and very safe place. Psalms 122:1 says that we should be glad when we enter into God’s house.

Make Friends copy We believe one of the biggest decisions that changes students forever if who they spend time with. 1 Corinthians 15:33 tells us that bad company corrupts good character. The friends that they choose to be around will be one of, if not the, biggest factors on the person they will become. That is    why we make relationship building one of our biggest priorities. We want students to begin now establishing life long christian relationships among peers and spiritual mentors.

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The word of God reminds us that faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the word. (Romans 10:17). Nothing can change someone’s life like the word of God does, that is why we make teaching the word of God the cornerstone of our ministry. We focus on learning the truths of the Bible and how it applies to our lives every day. We believe the word of God still holds the power to change anyone.

Every week we try to major on these three core values by using games and activities, praise and worship, teaching videos and puppets, live drama and so much more. Your kids will leave this service excited about church and our God.

If you have any questions please let us know.